Saturday, September 13, 2014

Surgeon Visit

We met with the surgeon this week.  So many questions were answered.  Because of Baby Girl's age, he thinks she should recover pretty quickly.  They will open the skull about 1.5 inches and shave off the back of the first vertebrae.    If the brain is "happy" at that point, he will then close her up.  If it isn't "happy", then he will do the patch of the dura.  This will mean he has to put kind of an extender patch on the covering of the brain to give the brain more room to float around.  Scary stuff, but I must remember to trust in his skills.

Baby Girl is more worried about how much hair he will have to shave.  Oh my!  To be only concerned about that!  We've decided to wait until after her birthday, so she won't be stuck at home recovering or laid up at the hospital.  Recovery time looks like about 2 weeks down-time.  No swimming, no school.  Just taking it easy and handling the pain.  After that, released to go back to school, but no contact sports.  After 3 months, she can resume more regular life.  We will have to make sure she is fully healed before she does anything too extreme.

So, by the time spring sports come around, Baby Girl should be able to participate as usual.

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